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Updated: 2023-11-14

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Thursday, Februari 17, 2022

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2022 - Thursday, Februari 17, 2022

Rajabhakti Park.

Rajabhakti Park.





As usual we slept reasonably well in the Bann Pantai Resort in Cha-am. We wake up around seven o'clock.
We are a little scared after two days of rain, the sun is shining.

If Pia has done her exercises, we walk to the restaurant for breakfast. We see one of the cats behind the desk of the reception. The cats are really belonging to the hotel, they are no longer the wanderers of the past.

After breakfast we go for a walk along the beach, we are now walking south. There is still a lot of wind, and there is therefore a lot of branding. We see in a number of places that a lot of sand was washed away yesterday.
After walking we drink a cup of coffee at the Café Amazon. We decide to go to Wat Huai Mongkol, and if we still have time to the Rajabhakti Park.
We drive towards Hua Hin and follow the signs to Wat Huai Mongkol. The road has been broken up at various places, and probably we miss a turn, we cannot find the temple. And it gets very dark and it starts to rain. We turn and drive back hoping to see a sign. Unfortunately, we are back on the highway again after a while.
We go straight to the Rajabhakti Park. There it is very quiet and we are hungry. There is only one restaurant and we eat a plate of noodles, it tastes reasonable. And it starts to rain hard again. After a while it stops raining. Fortunately, buses run across the grounds and we don't have to walk everywhere. It is very quiet, and not that special.

Back in Cha-am it appears that it has not rained at all.
We don't want to look for a nice restaurant, we eat at the hotel again at the Coco Buono Bar & Bistro.

Link: Café Amazon.
Link: Wat Huai Mongkol.

Written on: 2022-02-19


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It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.